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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Starcraft 2 Units

New Protoss Units of Starcraft 2

Not much is known about the lore behind the Sentry yet, but it must be relatively revolutionizing, since this is the first time we can see a fully robotic unit using advanced psionic abilities. The Protoss must have perfected their synthetic production of psionic energies when creating the Sentry, and made them relatively easy to produce as well.

The Sentry is a new Protoss addition to the StarCraft universe for Starcraft 2. It is a caster unit with relatively weak offensive abilities.

(Void Ray)
The Void Ray is a Protoss air unit, suited to take out the most resilient enemies and structures. The longer its fire remains on a target, the more damage it does.

The Void Ray is a Protoss air unit that is built from the Stargate and is capable of attacking both air and ground units. It's primary strength comes through a prolonged attack bonus, and is therefore better suited against large and heavily armored enemy units or structures. This makes the Void Ray inefficient against small targets such as a Marine or Zergling.

The Phoenix is a swift and deadly spacecraft that is rapidly replacing the older Scouts and Corsairs in the role of air and space fighter for the Protoss. Phoenix patrols are a common sight on the outer rim of Protoss territory, where they sweep deep space for alien threats. The twin ion blaster armament of a Phoenix is highly suited to air-to-air combat and can also be used for strafing light ground targets.

The Phoenix also comes with a special Gravity Beam ability that allows it to lift two nearby enemy or friendly units or structures into the air.

The Mothership is the ultimate and legendary capital ship in Protoss' fleet. It is the ultimate weapon, which is sure to cause a lot of devastation, and also sure to draw a lot of fire.


1. Mass Recall: teleports all friendly units in the targeted are to the Mothership. This ability can be smartly used for offense or defense to move large amounts of units around the battlefield if need be.

2. Vortex: creates a gravity pulling vortex which effectively disables all ground and air units in the targeted area for 20 seconds. During this timespan, affected units are invulnerable to all damage and effects. This ability could look similar to the now cancelled Black Hole ability but, instead of dealing direct damage, it is designed to strategically take out from the battle dangerous enemies.

3. Cloaking Field: is a passive ability which grants cloak to nearby friendly units and structures.

The remaining dragoons have become the immortals, refitted with twin phase disruptors and hardened energy shields that can shrug off the most powerful weapon strikes - though at the cost of leaving them more vulnerable to the pinprick attacks of lesser foes. The heavily armed and shielded immortals give critical fire support to the ferocious legions of zealots by eliminating enemy artillery and ranged attackers, allowing the zealots to close in and complete their work of destruction.


The Colossus is like an alien machine that walked out of the War of the Worlds. This massive unit that can walk over terrain like it wasn't even there. Add to it their powerful beam weapon, and it makes for one heck of a base assault unit.

In Starcraft 2, the Colossus has replaced the role of the Reaver for worker raids. It is capable of climbing level 1 ledges to reach higher ground.

(Warp Prism)
The Warp Prism is the new transportation unit for the Protoss, with the added ability to providing Psi energy to nearby structures.

The Protoss use these "Warp Prisms" in several ways. The primary function of a Warp Prism is to transport Protoss forces on the battlefield.


The fall of Aiur demonstrated to the Dark Templar that more than just stealth and guile were required to defeat the zerg. Hence, the Dark Templar developed the stalker, a war machine inspired by the Khalai dragoon. While dragoons were piloted by crippled protoss, the stalker was controlled by the shadow-essence of a Dark Templar warrior fused into a metal body. The new walkers were armed with carapace-mounted particle disruptors adept against both ground and aerial targets.

Stalkers were credited with many fantastic powers upon their battlefield début. However, only one was witnessed consistently: an ability to instantly teleport, or "blink", from one spot to another. The improved mobility thus granted allowed the stalker to conduct ambushes, catch fleeing foes, and generally engage on their own terms.

Click this Wiki for more details